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Area DV50


This page is dedicated to DV50 and products based on it.

About DV50

DV50 is the underlying technology behind D-9, DVCPRO50 and a number of other products in the market.  Using dual DV (aka DV25) codecs, DV50 data stream has a 3.3:1 compression ratio and 4:2:2 sampling, vs. 5:1 and 4:1:1 with DV.

There are two tape formats that adopted DV50: JVC's D-9 (formerly Digital-S), and Panasonic's DVCPRO50.  D-9 camcorders start at $8K, VTRs - at $6K.  Panasonic's DVCPRO50 gear is about 50% more expensive, on the average.

The image quality of DV50 compression is similar to that of Digital Betacam.  It is remarkably better than standard DV, offering significantly less compression artifacts, and a better color resolution.  DV50 is the next step from standard DV, since it addresses the most evident DV shortcomings in color resolution, compression artifacts, that make standard DV less suitable for compositing and other color-intensive tasks.


  • JVC with their D-9 line of VTRs and cameras
  • Panasonic with DVCPRO50
  • Matrox with DigiSuite DTV


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Last updated 11 Oct 2023 at 16:17
page views since February 20, 2024


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