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Alexei Gerulaitis runs DV411, a digital video integration company.  After graduation from Moscow State University in 1986, with a Master's Degree in Applied Mathematics, he coded his way through several flavors of Fortran and C, in academic and research organizations in Moscow.

At the same time, Alexei danced through several break-dance championships and was named champion of USSR in 1986 and 1987, in solo break-dance, robotic style.  He still has hard time sitting still when he hears some good Yello or Art-of-Noise tunes.

Moved to the US in 1990, where his skills were put to a good use in a capacity of a pizza delivery guy.

As is customary with pizza delivery guys, it wasn't long before Alexei moved on to integrating super-fast computers for video editing and started his own business supplying non-linear video editing systems to video professionals.

You can contact Alexei at alexeig at dvcentral dot org.

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Last updated 11 Oct 2023 at 16:17 page views since then.

Written mostly by Bertel Schmitt.  Maintained by Alexei Gerulaitis.

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